
Two Latest and Greatest Pool Products: A Review

pool product
When it comes to keeping a pool warm, clean, and inviting, pool product technology has come a long way in recent years. As a company dedicated to pool maintenance and enjoyment, AquaComfort Solutions stays tuned to the latest pool products and advancements.  Come discover an overview of some of the most innovative pool products available today, with a focus on heat pumps.

The All-Star Pool Product: Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are hands-down our favorite pool product.  With advanced innovation, AquaComfort heat pumps work by pulling in heat from the surrounding air, even when it’s as cold as 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This heat warms refrigerant inside the unit, which then goes through a compressor and becomes a hot gas around 150 degrees.  The pool’s pump circulates water through a heat exchanger, where the efficient hot gas from the refrigerant warms the pool water. Compared to other types of pool heaters, heat pumps have some major advantages.  Unlike natural gas or propane heaters, which require fossil fuels, heat pumps don’t directly burn any fuel. This makes them extremely energy-efficient and cost-effective to operate. They utilize renewable thermal energy from the air and leverage the pool’s existing pump to move water. Heat pumps also have an edge over electric heaters, which use heating elements to warm the water. Those older electric heaters require a tremendous amount of energy and are expensive to run. Heat pumps offer all the convenience of electric operation without the high energy bills.

How Heat Pumps Keep Pools Comfortable

There are a few key ways heat pumps help maintain a welcoming pool temperature. First, they can extend the swimming season. By warming the water to comfortable levels, heat pumps let you enjoy your pool for more months of the year. On cooler days, you can raise the temperature to enhance enjoyment and prevent any chills. Heat pumps are also great for regulating water temperature. Set the desired temp and the unit will cycle on and off automatically as needed. This keeps conditions constant and comfortable for users.  Finally, heat pumps prevent overnight heat loss. Without a heater, pools can lose warmth rapidly when the sun goes down due to evaporation and convection. Heat pumps counteract this effect, so your pool is warm when you’re ready to take a morning dip, especially when you top your pool with a cover to help retain warmth.

Pool Cover Options

A pool cover and a pool heater form the ultimate duo in maintaining an ideal swimming environment. The synergy between a pool cover and a heater is remarkable, offering a comprehensive solution for temperature control and energy efficiency. When combined, the pool cover acts as a thermal blanket, effectively retaining the heat generated by the pool heater. It prevents heat loss by minimizing evaporation, keeping the water warm for more extended periods. The cover acts as a barrier, shielding the pool from external elements, reducing the heater’s workload and energy consumption. This tandem not only ensures consistent and comfortable water temperatures but also significantly reduces operational costs by maximizing the heater’s efficiency. Together, they create an eco-friendly and cost-effective approach, making the pool a year-round oasis of relaxation and enjoyment. Whether you choose an automated cover or a manual cover, you’ll see significant savings in pool heating Manufacturers are dedicated to continued innovation in this category, with exciting new developments on the horizon. For pool owners who prioritize efficiency, cost savings, and comfort, heat pumps are a clear choice over outdated options. 

Benefits of Proper Pool Heating and Covering

Now that we’ve covered the top pool heating options and covers, let’s discuss why proper temperature control is so important for homeowners with pools. Here are some of the top benefits.

Extended Swimming Season

As mentioned earlier, heating your pool water lets you take dips before summer begins and long after it ends. By maintaining the water in the 70s or 80s (Fahrenheit), you can comfortably swim from early spring through late autumn (and even into winter) in many climates. That’s many more months to enjoy your investment.

Improved Safety 

Warmer water is safer for swimmers. Frigid water poses a shock risk and can cause hypothermia. We recommend heating pools used by children and seniors especially. Pleasant water prevents cold exposure for those who desire a longer swimming season.

Enhanced Relaxation

Let’s face it, there’s nothing relaxing about shivering through your morning laps or an evening soak. Proper heating creates the right environment in your own backyard. The right temperature makes swimming and soaking much more soothing.

Added Value

Most prospective homebuyers want a usable pool, not a frigid one. Investing in pool heating enhances enjoyment and increases your home’s market value. Unlike outdated electric heaters, heat pumps won’t drive your utility bills sky-high, either. Proper temperature control provides significant benefits for residential pools. We’re proud to offer state-of-the-art heating solutions to bring you all these advantages.  Reach out to AquaComfort Solutions today to learn more about pool products like heat pumps and improving your poolscape. Stay comfortable this season with the latest technology!