Get Cleaner Water with High-Quality UV Water Treatment

cleaner water
At Solaxx by AquaComfort Solutions, we appreciate that cleaner water is the holy grail of pool maintenance.  We’ve been at the forefront of pool technology and the quest for cleaner water for decades, and we’re proud to introduce a cutting-edge solution for achieving cleaner water: our high-quality UV water treatment.  In this blog post, we’ll delve into the significance of water treatment and how AquaComfort’s expertise elevates your pool to the epitome of excellence.

Understanding the Essence of Water Treatment

Water treatment is not just a luxury for high-end pool owners; it’s an essential aspect of maintaining a pool that exudes sophistication and cleanliness. Whether you are a homeowner with a passion for perfection or a commercial establishment aiming to offer a premium aquatic experience, investing in water treatment is the key to achieving cleaner water: water that is crystal clear, free from impurities, and safe for swimmers.

The Solaxx Difference: Unveiling the Power of UV Water Treatment

Our journey towards perfecting pool water quality led us to the realm of UV water treatment, a technology that sets Solaxx apart from the competition.  Let’s explore why our UV water treatment is the ultimate choice for those seeking cleaner water.

Harnessing the Power of Ultraviolet Light

Unlike traditional water treatment methods that rely on chemicals, our UV treatment uses the power of ultraviolet (UV) light to eliminate harmful microorganisms. This technology is safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly, leaving no residue in your pool water.

Eliminating Bacteria and Viruses

Solaxx UV water treatment effectively targets and destroys harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that may be lurking in your pool. This ensures that your pool water remains sanitary and safe for swimmers, reducing the risk of waterborne illnesses.

Enhancing Water Clarity

Our UV treatment not only sanitizes your pool water but also improves its clarity. By breaking down impurities and organic matter, it prevents cloudiness and turbidity, allowing you to enjoy water that sparkles with pristine beauty.

Reducing Chemical Dependency

One of the remarkable advantages of UV water treatment is its ability to reduce the reliance on chemical sanitizers. This means fewer chemicals in your pool, resulting in a gentler swimming environment for you and your guests.

AquaComfort Heat Pumps and Solaxx UV Sanitation: A Perfect Symbiosis

To achieve the epitome of water quality, it’s essential to combine Solaxx UV water treatment with the exceptional performance of AquaComfort heat pumpsOur heat pumps, renowned for their energy efficiency and reliability, work seamlessly with UV treatment to create a pool environment that exceeds all expectations.

Why AquaComfort Heat Pumps Are Ideal for UV-Treated Pools

AquaComfort heat pumps are not your typical pool heaters. They are advanced heaters that harness the surrounding air to warm up refrigerant, creating a gas as hot as 150 degrees. This heated gas is then used to warm your pool water through a heat exchanger, ensuring your pool remains at the perfect temperature. When it comes to pairing heat pumps with UV water treatment, several advantages come to light.

Energy Efficiency

AquaComfort heat pumps are incredibly energy-efficient, resulting in cost savings for pool owners. Their synergy with Solaxx UV treatment allows for reduced chemical usage, further enhancing the eco-friendly aspect of your pool.

Superior Water Quality

The precise temperature control provided by our heat pumps complements the water quality achieved through UV treatment. You’ll experience water that not only looks clean but also feels refreshing and inviting.


AquaComfort’s commitment to quality ensures that our products are built to last. When combined with UV water treatment, you’ll enjoy a pool environment that remains consistently incredible over the years.

Cost-Effective Operation

AquaComfort heat pumps offer cost-effective operation down to 40 degrees, providing more heat than traditional heaters during the critical first and last months of the swimming season.

Find Residential and Commercial Water Treatment at Your AquaComfort Solutions Dealer

At AquaComfort, we understand the importance of water treatment in creating a pool that stands as the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication.  Our high-quality Solaxx UV water treatment and AquaComfort heat pumps ensure that your pool water is not only cleaner but also more inviting, energy-efficient, and environmentally responsible. Choose AquaComfort Solutions and choose cleaner water. Elevate your pool experience and discover the unparalleled joy of swimming in water that epitomizes excellence. Cleaner water is just the beginning of the AquaComfort journey towards pool perfection: Contact us today to learn more.